Sugarcoat It просмотров: 18435+1
Movin at the speed of sound There has never been a lull in the motion Conversations swirl around Strangers questioning their devotion Welcome to the world of talk shows Where everybody seems to know People talk and never listen Come to their conclusions So we'll feed 'em with the spoon That makes the medicine go down Baby ya got it, baby we wrote it. Maybe ya thought that we'd sugarcoat it Aint gonna hide, gotta expose it Yeah were gonna let our light shine Standing on the stage of life We are waiting for the final curtain You can take a seat and watch tonight But your gonna get more than ya came for BAM and welcome to our jam Where folks are getting down The Jesus Freaks from Every part of this here town You can try and ask us why We came to this solution Though words may fly, you can't deny He's in the air tonight Boom They thought we changed our tune They thought that we'd go bust They thought we'd crumble like my grandma's flaky crust Kapow Up here and there and Now The truth is screaming Big A light so bright wether day or night It cant be hid
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