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Jesus Is Alright просмотров: 18436+1

Исполнитель: dcTalk Альбом: Intermission Дорожка: 3
Исполнитель: dcTalk Альбом: Welcome To The Freak Show Дорожка: 6
Исполнитель: dcTalk Альбом: Free At Last Дорожка: 4
Исполнитель: dcTalk Альбом: Free At Last Дорожка: 17
Язык: Английский

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Jesus is still alright with me
Jesus is still alright, oh yeah
Jesus is still alright with me
Jesus is still alright

Toby Mac, and the Mac is back no slack
On a DC track that's jacked, beyond comprehension
I believe that I failed to mention
That there's a lack of recognition
When it comes to His position
Cause if Christ can't be crossed over,
Then I'll keep my beat up nova

I don't care what they may say
I don't care what they may do
I don't care what they may say
Jesus is still alright

Back in place, and I'm all up in your face
With a rhyme that I embrace
Llike a mother to her child
I'm kickin' it Jesus style
To the ones that think they heard
I did use the "J" word
Cause I ain't too soft to say it
Even if DJ's don't play it

Jesus is alright, I know He's alright
Jesus is alright, you know He's alright
Jesus is alright, we know He's alright
Jesus is alright, we know He's alright

I'm down with the one that is known as the Son
Of the G to the O to the D never done
With the flow, in the know, on the go like a pro
Not for show cause I ain't in the biz for the dough
Or the me, or the ray, all the dough's gotta stay,
Cause I can't, no I can't, take it home anyway
Never trite when I write cause the Lord is my light
And His Word is my bond so ya know, He's alright

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