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Turn The Tides просмотров: 18504+1

Исполнитель: 38th Parallel Альбом: Turn The Tides Дорожка: 2
Язык: Английский

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[Verse 1]
Staring at the flames as they dance in red 
On the corpse of the land And there in they're midst 
are wandering a countless unnamed Walking hand in hand 
Blind leading blind aimlessly into the quicksand's of time
where they sink On the brink of eternity cold and alone I shrink
At the festering obscene corruption And my silence in the face 
of this mass destruction

All rise, abandon your shadows and cut ties to your selfish pride
Fix your eyes on the sun Get burned on the in side and turn these

[Verse 2]
Closed minds ill equipped to deal with this madness
Hearts far to hard to challenge a sadness that's draining
The soul of a generation Blanketed with tears are faces of nations

All rise, abandon your shadows and cut ties to your selfish pride
Fix your eyes on the sun Get burned on the in side and turn these 

Everyone laughs, everyone cries, everyone lives Everyone dies
and in between they crawl Through stagnate realities longing to fly

[Chorus] x2

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