Innocent просмотров: 18445+1
Исполнитель: Third Day Альбом: Wire Дорожка: 10
Автор слов: Mark Lee
Автор музыки: Third Day
Подобрал (прислал): tka4ik
Тема: Новая Жизнь, Отношения [Бог и человек], Свобода
Язык: Английский
Автор слов: Mark Lee
Автор музыки: Third Day
Подобрал (прислал): tka4ik
Тема: Новая Жизнь, Отношения [Бог и человек], Свобода
Язык: Английский
It seemed like I had run out of second chances And they sentenced me to die And I was just like a dead man walking I was running out of time G9 A9 B9 A9 But you came to me and opened my eyes G9 A9 B9 C9 You gave me a brand new life Chorus D9 B9 A9 D9 I am innocent and I have been set free B9 A9 D9 I no longer have chains around my feet B9 A9 G9 And no matter where I go or what they say A9 D9 I am innocent D9 G9 2x D9 G9 Many years have passed since the day that I met you D9 G9 But your words are still the same D9 G9 And every time I find myself with joy or sadness D9 G9 I am calling out your name G9 A9 B9 A9 'Cause you came to me and opened my eyes G9 A9 B9 C9 And You gave to me a brand new life REPEAT CHORUS 2x
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