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Letter To The Father просмотров: 18446+1

Исполнитель: Дверь
Язык: Английский

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It is april and snows outside
The door is covered in snow - try to come out
I hardly remember the house
That we wanted to build together

The sky is in patches of stars
The page is written on both sides
Memory and God will conclude it all
But how long will it take...

You know, i'm not afraid anymore of this place
One that is surrounded by a wall
You know, i'm used to it, and even behind it
I still mothers the dear Face.

The sky is in patches of stars
The page is written on both sides
Memory and God will conclude it all
But how long will it take...

Handful of Time and ashes
Wherever you are, remember and forgive
Life that i betrayed and never said a thing
Forgive me that i left and you have waited.

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Время: 2009-04-07 14:33:07
Имя: Flank
А почему на английском? Кто переводил?

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