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Arctic Edge просмотров: 16743+1

Версия для печати

You can walk on ice or take a little hike
Through the Land of the Midnight Sun
You can travel to the edge of the wilderness
And maybe see a caribou staring back at you
You can ride a raging river in a tiny canoe
Or chill with your friends in an igloo
But the coolest attraction in the frozen frontier
Is to learn to follow Jesus without fear

    We're headin' to the arctic edge
    Where adventure meets courage
    Arctic edge: Where adventure meets courage
    The Lord commands us to be courageous
    Whatever adventure we face He will be with us
    Arctic edge: Where adventure meets courage
    Where adventure meets courage

You can walk on ice or take a little hike
Through the Land of the Midnight Sun
You can travel to the edge of the wilderness
And maybe see a caribou staring back at you
You can ride a raging river in a tiny canoe
Or chill with your friends in an igloo
But the coolest attraction in the frozen frontier
Is to learn to follow Jesus without fear

    We're headin' to the arctic edge
    Where adventure meets courage
    Arctic edge: Where adventure meets courage
    The Lord commands us to be courageous
    Whatever adventure we face He will be with us
    Arctic edge: Where adventure meets courage
    Where adventure meets courage

    [repeat chorus]
    Arctic edge: Where adventure meets courage
    Where adventure meets courage

Версия для печати

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