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Подписка на: новости христианской музыки

One Day At A Time просмотров: 16661+1

Исполнитель: Jeremy Camp Альбом: Stay Дорожка: 7
Язык: Английский

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One day at a time i will walk this road i've traveled so far 
One day at a time well i know i will carry on 
One day at a time i can see you took my life this far 
One day at a time I will take this faith along 

All this hope i breathe is given by the hand that carries me 
Until I'm complete and i'll take all i will 
To understand this plan you have for me, for me 

I've been shut up shut down held out held down 
In ways i never knew i would 
I can't feel your fullness in my life 
Well i've been burned out broken torn out torn down 
In ways i never knew i would 
I can't feel your fullness in my life 

One day at a time I will take these words you've given me 
One day at a time I will rest in knowing you 
One day at a time I will share this gift you've given me 
One day at a time I will walk these valleys through 

All I know is that I see how much my heart 
Is longing to be cradled by your side 
And i'll give all i can to one day soon 
Be held by your hand, by your hand 

In all these things i will press on 
I'll be with you i know it wont be long 

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